Togo: Strong local organizations to curb harmful traditional practices

Sharing good practices against child trafficking, early marriage and accusations of witchcraft

Project region: Kozah and Tchaoudjo prefectures in the Central and Kara regions


Local project partner: CREUSET-Togo


Duration: 01.06.2024 to 31.05.2027


The project builds on approaches of the previous project with CREUSET in the Dankpen and Oti prefectures.

Background and brief project description

In northern Togo, many children, especially girls, children with disabilities and other marginalized children, are exposed to harmful cultural practices. These include child trafficking for economic exploitation, early and forced marriage and witchcraft rituals (exorcism). These practices are often deeply rooted and an integral part of people's everyday lives. Yet they have serious consequences for the children - and therefore for the entire community.


Together with our partner CREUSET, we have been working in various regions of Togo since 2017 to curb these practices and provide special protection and sustainable reintegration for affected children. In the previous project, local mechanisms for child protection were introduced, strengthened and anchored in 50 pilot villages. Mobilizing the entire social community and involving the various local groups and stakeholders was a central element of this. However, the creation of income and prospects in rural areas also plays an important role in curbing harmful cultural practices.


In order to protect children more effectively, our partner CREUSET is now passing on the successful approaches to 4 local organizations in northern Togo. They are directly applying their new skills and introducing the approaches in 5 pilot villages each. The project aims to strengthen them technically, administratively and sustainably in order to turn them into effective child rights organizations in northern Togo. The participation of children and young people themselves is one of their main focuses.


Target groups

  • 24 representatives of the 4 partner organizations
  • 5,400 boys and girls from the 20 project villages, including approximately
    • 240 members from 12 children's and youth clubs/organizations
    • 300 children who have experienced forced marriage and/or sexual violence
    • 350 children who have fallen into child trafficking and/or exploitative working conditions,
    • 300 children accused of witchcraft or at risk of being accused,
    • 200 children exposed to other forms of violence and abuse,
    • 400 children who are neglected or marginalized,
    • other children reached through sensitization, dialogue and other measures.
  • 60 traditional and religious leaders
  • 2 radio stations
  • 200 members of 20 local juridical clubs
  • 400 members of 20 women's groups/cooperatives
  • Other local associations and participation structures
  • 20 local politicians and 40 state agents in the child protection chain
  • The population of 20 villages in 4 municipalities in 2 regions in northern Togo, approximately 30,000 people.

Project goals

Overall objective:

Children, especially girls, children with a disability and other marginalized children, are more effectively protected from harmful traditional practices in the communities of Tchaoudjo 3, Kozah 2, Kozah 3 and Kozah 4.


Project objective:

In 20 villages in the communities of Tchaoudjo 3, Kozah 2, Kozah 3 and Kozah 4, 712 strengthened state, civil society, traditional, religious and private agents (services, committed groups, associations, individuals, authorities) are actively collaborating to protect children from harmful cultural practices.


Specific objectives:

  1. 4 local civil society organizations in the project area are administratively and legally sound for non-profit child rights work in Togo.
  2. 4 local organizations have the capacity to promote and support community-based participatory child protection mechanisms to combat harmful cultural practices.
  3. The various groups and child protection agents in the target communities have the necessary capacities to gradually eliminate cultural practices, harmful beliefs and norms that affect children's development.
  4. 240 children and adolescents, especially girls, from 12 children and youth clubs have know-how to contribute to the prevention and detection of harmful traditional practices.

Key activities

  • Training the organizations in policy documents and reporting, transparent financial management, public relations and fundraising, and institutional child protection
  • Training the organizations on the background and impact of harmful cultural practices
  • Strengthening the organizations to promote women's groups/cooperatives
  • Coaching the organizations in the psychological and legal support of affected children (and their families)
  • Advocacy work at local, regional and national level
  • Training of traditional and religious leaders, municipal representatives, state agents in social work, education, justice and public order
  • Introduction of regular community dialogues
  • Establishment and training of legal clubs in 20 villages
  • Identification, training and strengthening of 20 women's groups/cooperatives with start-up support for income-generating activities
  • Reactivation and strengthening of children/youth clubs and support in the implementation of their action plans; promotion of the status and participation of girls in children and youth clubs
  • 16 awareness-raising events, 48 radio broadcasts and 8 events with female role models


Total costs: 551,870 euros


Financial partner:

  • German Cooperation (BMZ)
  • Own funds from Kinderrechte Afrika e. V., i.e. donations

And you? We are looking for further financial partners for this project! Feel free to contact us or donate with the purpose "Project Togo - Strong local organizations"

Cover picture: No to early marriage and child trafficking. © ALDEPA.


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