Our Consulting Services


Our consulting service KiRA-Consult, was set up in 2009 because we wanted to share our expertise on implementing children’s rights with other civil society organisations.


Our offer includes consulting in all stages of project preparation, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Particular focus is on financial, team and content management.


Thereby, we want to contribute towards supporting predominnatly African partners in their organisational development, in making use of human and financial resources and in initiating or strengthening alliances.


Through our consulting work we promote realistic, concrete initiatives which are directly related to the needs and interests of children, as well as political and legal action. We promote a holistic approach on three levels: politics, civil society and directly improving the living situation of children.


Our consulting services are based on an understanding between partners with equal status, as well as on openness, clarity and mutual respect.


We understand that our role is to mediate and guide in order to underline the importance of children’s rights and the ways to effectively implement them and incorporate them into projects. However, concrete actions have to grow from our own initiative, and be in line with our basic understanding of our personal responsibility for our actions. We strive to guide and support our partners therein.

Our Strengths


  • Specialized knowledge in carrying out and supervising projects for children in Africa (since 1996)
  • Development and implementation of an approach based on children’s rights
  • Conscious education for boys and girls, i. e. promoting their active participation and considering their opinions, taking into account their age and maturity


  • Specialized knowledge in project management and project supervision
  • Participatory work methods for strengthening the local partners
  • Advice on drafting work material, subject-related documents and “good practice” models
  • Organising and carrying out workshops
  • Support and supervision for projects on the subject of children’s right


  • A multidisciplinary, motivated and involved team
  • Years of experience in Africa
  • Working languages: German, French and English
  • Contacts with financial supporters in Germany, Europe and Africa

Contact us at info@kira-consult.com if you are interested in our consulting services.

Your Advantages

Our Offer



Picture above: Sculpture by our member Peter Klein. © Peter Klein


Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.



DE69 6645 0050 0076 0040 44

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.

Schillerstraße 16

D-77933 Lahr


Tel.: 07821/38855

Fax: 07821/985755


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