Our Operational Team




Our staff members are in charge of the coordination of our projects overseas. This includes the individual accompaniment of projects, fund-raising, public relations, collaboration in networks, and global learning.


In the execution of our projects, we collaborate closely with our african partner organisations.



Our Team Members


Andreas Böning

Business Administration, MBA


Executive director and Consultant

Administrative and financial accompaniment of our projects







Katja Zug

Jurist, LLM Children's Rights


Legal issues, project accompaniment and consulting








Luise Hoffmann

Politologue, M.A. Intercultural Communication


Project accompaniment, fund-raising, public relations, network collaboration, global learning






Stefanie Komarek

Pedagogue, B.A. Early Childhood,
M.A. student in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights


Project accompaniment







Elisabeth Munsch

International Social Worker


Longterm project accompaniment and now consultant of the KiRA-team and African partners, member of the association.





We are most thankful to Mechthild Buchmann for her longterm volontary support in donation management.



For 25 years, the operational team was lead and counciled by Horst Buchmann (†), pedagogue, Public Health Administrator, founding member of KiRA, long-term executive director and most recently president of the association, bearer of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Inspired by his involvement, his ideas and his endurance, the operational team continues to strive for a world that offers justice and protection for children in Africa.

Picture above: KiRA team meeting © Mechthild Buchmann


Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.



DE69 6645 0050 0076 0040 44

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.

Schillerstraße 16

D-77933 Lahr


Tel.: 07821/38855

Fax: 07821/985755


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