As a non-profit organisation, we have been active in the domain of children's rights for 25 years. Since 1996, we have implemented more than 79 comprehensive and long-term projects for children's rights with our local partners in nine West and Central African states.
We aim for a holistic development of children and young people by promoting their access to basic human and children's rights. This way, they are enabled to deal with the challenges of the future and to take on responsibilities in their families, social communities and societies.
Our work is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter for the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC).
KiRA is supported by a body of reputable members who, like our pluridisciplinary staff team, have years of experience in various African countries. They have expert knowledge in development cooperation and the management of charity organizations.
All children may grow up, regardless of where they come from, in a political, communal and social environment, which protects and promotes their basic rights and dignity. They grow to be peaceful and responsible citizens,
who contribute to shaping our common future.
The first United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child, called the Geneva Declaration of 1924, states “mankind owes to the child the best that it has to give”. In this sense, we aim at contributing sustainably to enforcing the basic and inalienable rights of children and young people in Africa.
We want to contribute to create and strengthen a protective and supportive environment for children in our African partner countries.
In this sense, it is important to us, that:
We want to make an effective and lasting contribution through activities that are particularly child-focused, as well as through political and legal action, such as the mobilization and training of State agents or legal reforms.
In our long-term partnerships with local civil society organizations, we provide capacity training for effective advocacy and social work in the field of children's rights.
Picture above: Solidarity. © Jacky Naegelen