KiRA - Children's Rights Africa "Kinderrechte Afrika e. V."

KiRA (short for Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.) is a non-profit organization for the protection of children’s rights in African countries. Founded in Lahr, Germany, in 1995, KiRA aims at the holistic development of children and young people by promoting their access to basic human and children's rights. This way, they are enabled to deal with the challenges of the future and to take on responsibilities in their families, social communities and societies. We currently coordinate various children's rights projects in Mali, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Cameroon.


Find out more about us, our projects and partners and how you can contribute or donate.


Our consulting services provide guidance and assistance in the management of your development project.


For any questions and remarks, please contact us.




Marthe Wandou receives Right Livelihood Award 2021

The 2021 Right Livelihood Award, also known as the "Alternative Nobel Prize," went to Marthe Wandou, coordinator of our partner organization ALDEPA in the Far North region of Cameroon.


She received the award “for building a model of community-based child protection in the face of terrorist insurgency and gender-based violence in the Lake Chad region of Cameroon.”


Read more on the Right Livelihood Award Foundation page.


We are proud to have worked with Marthe and her team at ALDEPA on child protection projects for over 10 years!


Félicitations, Marthe!

"Let's stand up for our rights!"

In November 2019, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) turned 30. Our partners in Mali, Ghana, Benin and Cameroun organized a vast variety of activities to commemorate 30 years of children’s rights.


Led by the common slogan “Let’s stand up for our rights, our future is waiting!”, children became protagonists in claiming more protective measures from state authorities, civil society agents and parents in the four countries. 

Read more.

Picture above: Girls in Northern Ghana demonstrate for equal rights. © PAORP-VWC


Sparkasse Offenburg/Ortenau

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.



DE69 6645 0050 0076 0040 44

Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.

Schillerstraße 16

D-77933 Lahr


Tel.: 07821/38855

Fax: 07821/985755


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