Togo: Access to fundamental rights and future prospects for children in need




Project region: Central and Kara in Togo

Period of implementation:
September 2017 to August 2020.

The project was concluded with very good results.

Find here a documentary in french.

Local Partner: CREUSET-Togo



This project fosters the access to fundamental rights for children who have been neglected, violated, abused, exploited or are particularly vulnerable. These children receive access to legal counseling and support as well as other basic social services (medical, psychological, pedagogical etc.). They are supported in their family and school or professional reintegration. Special attention is paid to protecting and rehabilitating children accused of witchcraft as well as on fighting transnational child trafficking.

Initial Situation


According to statistics in Togo’s prosperity and employment strategy, 93% of the children aged 2 to 14 experience a violent education and particularly girls often experience sexual violence. 57% of the children in Togo do hazardous works. Since 2013, more than 1,800 children have been entrusted to CREUSET for immediate care and counseling. More than half of these children had been victims of criminal offences, such as (sexual) violence, exploitation and ill-treatment. A lack of competent state and civil society services for accompanying children in need, with violent and traumatic experiences as well as a wrong understanding of children’s rights and extrajudicial settlements that often result in decisions in favor of the adult offender, disturb the development and life chances of these children.

Project Objectives and Stakeholders


1,200 children in situations of distress, particularly children affected by or at risk of violence, child trafficking, exploitation and/or harmful traditional practices, have access to medical, juridical and psychosocial assistance and are supported with their reintegration.


To this end, 2,150 state agents acquire the necessary knowledge and know-how to successfully implement children’s rights. They know best practices in child protection and apply these in collaboration with other stakeholders.


Additionally, 665 representatives of civil society, media and communities are strengthened in their capacities to contribute to an effective protection and promotion of children’s rights.


The local partner (CREUSET) is able to carry out activities of child protection autonomously and independently. He will become less dependent from international funding and can adequately respond to more complex accountancy requirements of local and international financial partners.

Project Activities


With directly affected children

  • Stabilization of 350 children in need in the center for child protection Kandyaa
  • Psychological counseling for 500 children in need
  • Legal support for 250 children in need
  • Support with their reintegration into a protective and respectful family and school or professional environment
  • (pre-)professional integration of 10 children on CREUSET’s farm
  • Long-term follow-up on 850 children in their new family and school or professional environment


With state representatives

  • Cooperation and advocacy with State representatives for cooperation and coordination in cases of child abuse and other violations of children’s rights
  • Capacity training for 140 state agents for the protection of children and their rights
  • 10 conferences in schools for social work, teaching, medicine and nursing
  • Interinstitutional and interdisciplinary round table for 35 state agents in Lomé


With civil society representatives

  • Capacity training for 100 traditional, local and religious authorities as well as traditional healers responsible for exorcism rituals
  • Establishing a charter (self-commitment) for the protection of children accused of witchcraft by 10 civil society services (responsible for social issues, security, education, administration, community elders etc.) as well as by 20 religious authorities and traditional healers
  • Capacity training for 420 children in 12 children and youth clubs as well as their follow-up
  • Capacity training for 50 parents and local authorities in local associations
  • Round table in Lomé with 35 members and staff from NGOs and associations active in the field of child protection as well as their networks
  • Capacity training on children’s rights topics for 30 media representatives
  • Production and emission of 324 radio emissions, radio spots and a documentary for the sensitization of the population
  • Sensitization campaign in 6 particularly affected communities (1,800 persons) of child trafficking and witchcraft accusations
  • Spreading practical knowledge on children’s rights in local languages in the communities


To strengthen the local partner for his actions in favor of children’s rights

  • Staff capacity training
  • Development of agricultural and income generating activities
  • Local Fund-raising



Total project costs: € 641,300 


Financial partners:

  • German ministry for economic development and cooperation (BMZ)
  • Sternstunden e. V.
  • CREUSET-Togo
  • Kinderrechte Afrika e. V. (donations)

Cover picture: Children in the protection center of CREUSET find a protective environment to play, learn and overcome their often traumatic experiences. ©  Horst Buchmann


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