Our involvement is based on mutual understanding between equal-level partners. Our role is to mediate and guide local civil society organisations in order to
effectively implement children's rights.
Based on openness, clarity and mutual respect, we support our partners in carrying out their campaigns and projects for the implementation of children’s rights and human
Creating sustainable development is our concern, because whether we live in the global North or South, all of us are responsible for the life chances of future
generations. We believe that these can only be enhanced by collaborating in trustful partnerships.
We offer efficient and effective expert advice, based on our experiences in different African countries:
- Support and guidance on strategy and concept development for a rights-based approach
- Guidance on drafting project proposals
- Involvement in financing projects and support in looking for further means of finance and cooperation partners
- Support in project management (planning, setting up and leading a participatory monitoring system, evaluating etc.)
- Guidance and collaboration on formulating guidelines, procedures or handbooks (“best practices”)
- Guidance in management, including financial management, administration and staff management
- Guidance in increasing public relations and advocacy work for children’s rights
The change towards greater sustainability has to come from local participants who have a vision and a holistic approach to work, and are not restricted to short-term
In all of our projects, we work with partners on the political and the civil society level, such as
- Ministries for Social Affairs, Human Rights, Interior, Family, Women and Children, Defence, Culture and Health.
- Civil Society Organisations
- Local child protection committees (based on adult and youth volunteers), religious authorities, mayors, village elders and traditional village chiefs.
- Networks of local or international NGOs.
- Media: Journalists, local newspapers and radio stations.
Our project would not be possible without the (financial) contribution of our international partners, in particular
- Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ), Germany
- European Union Commission
- Bild hilft e. V. - Ein Herz für Kinder
- Sternstunden e. V.
- Foundation Wilhelm-Oberle
- Foundation Familie-Haas
- Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Baden Württemberg (SEZ)
- Globus Foundation
- Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP
Picture above: Horst Buchmann, president of KiRA, meets with representatives of our partners ESGB (Benin) and CREUSET (Togo).
© Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.