The project region covers the poorest, yet the most populated area of Cameroon. Especially the big cities in the region have experienced a rapid population growth. This
is due to an increasing labor migration from rural regions to the urban areas and the influx of refugees from Nigeria.
These migratory movements are accompanied by a rapid growth of children living and working in the streets unprotected from the dangers of everyday life. These children
easily become victims of violence, economic and/or sexual exploitation, child trafficking or forced recruitment into the terrorist group Boko Haram. Also, many of them find themselves in prison or
police custody due to minor thefts, where they have to face conditions that strongly violate their basic human and children’s rights. Effective governmental and civil society structures to protect
these children are insufficient.
Additionally, in prisons there are no offers or particular care for babies and infants accompanying their detained mothers.
This project helps to strengthen the juvenile justice system and to render child protection more effective and sustainable. In particular:
Project costs: € 662,200
Financial Partners:
Cover photo: Imprisoned children. © Jacky Naegelen