Young people for peace and social cohesion



Project area: Bamako and the regions of Dioila and Ségou


Local partner: GRADEM (Groupe Recherche Action Droits des Enfants au Mali)


Duration : 1st March 2023 – 28th February 2026


Both in Bamako and in the regions, the security crisis is affecting social cohesion and community involvement. Other contributing factors are mistrust between different population groups, a decline in community celebrations, the closure of schools and learning spaces, the lack of extracurricular activities for young people, or the slow integration of displaced persons.


While community involvement is generally low, young people and women in particular, are involved very little in local politics. Their concerns are hence not a priority in community development issues. In addition to their structural disadvantages in society, they also lack the necessary know-how to get involved at the community level.


Misinformation in Mali spreads quickly because many do not have the reflex to critically question information or lack the necessary background knowledge. This makes people particularly vulnerable to the propaganda of the various conflict parties in Mali.


There are few opportunities for artistic and cultural activities for children and young people that could be used not only to develop creative skills, interact across cultures and social exchange, but also to express concerns and needs that young people have in common. Cultural means of expression are a powerful way to address traditional leaders and older generations by showing interest in preserving cultural heritage.

Project Goals

Girls and boys contribute to the development of environmental awareness, the strengthening of community coexistence and peace in their communities.

  • There are artistic and sports activities for children and youth that strengthen peace and stability in disadvantaged areas.
  • Youth have leadership skills to promote environmental awareness and community involvement.
  • Young people have knowledge and know-how to participate in local politics.

Target groups

  • 56,000 children and youth from 28 village communities
  • 5,000 members of 16 children's and youth groups from Bamako, Dioila and Ségou
  • 560 school children (5th to 8th grade) from rural areas
  • The population of 28 village communities                
  • 2,000 girls from rural areas who have moved to Bamako
  • 300 young girls working as domestic helpers in Bamako
  • 200 families of internally displaced persons
  • 56 teachers from 28 schools in rural areas
  • 8 pedagogical consultants
  • 26 local councilors from Bamako, Dioila and Segou
  • 5 artists from Bamako and 4 indigenous artists from rural areas
  • 6 journalists and radio reporters

Expected results

  • Children and young people in the partner schools in the regions, the educational spaces in Bamako and the children's and youth groups in the three areas of operation have access to artistic and cultural activities; they have developed their social skills and improved their understanding of the world.
  • Children and youth, especially girls, in the three areas of operation have access to sports activities and practice them regularly at school and in the communities.
  • Children and youth in all partner schools in the regions and children and youth groups promote environmental awareness in their communities.
  • The young people organize themselves in the communities and position themselves as promoters of peace and community cohesion through artistic, cultural and sports activities as well as public debates.
  • Social cohesion is strengthened and communities integrate internally displaced persons.
  • Children and youth groups are aware of opportunities for civic participation and contribute to controlling local public spending.


Total project cost : 576,332 euros


Financial partners :

  • the European Commission
  • Kinderrechte Afrika e. V. (KiRA), that is donations

Title picture : © GRADEM


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