Cameroon: Protection from violence

Strengthening local child protection mechanisms and children’s potential for self-protection

Full project name: Strengthening local child protection mechanisms and children's self-protection potential in 12 communities in the Region Far North for an effective protection of children, especially from violence.


Project region: Far North Cameroon

Execution period: 1st May 2021 – 30th April 2024

Local partner: ALDEPA (Action Locale Pour un Développement Participatif et Autogéré)


The project region is one of the most populated and poorest regions in Cameroon. Harmful cultural practices and frequent attacks by the terrorist group Boko Haram particularly affect children and adolescents. In addition, droughts and the COVID-19 pandemic have had a direct impact on the incomes of many families who already lived off very little in the arid Sahel region. As a result, more and more parents are not (sufficiently) meeting their parental obligations in terms of care and education. In urban areas, this situation is further exacerbated by the recent increase in alcohol and drug use by children and adolescents on the streets, that further spur delinquency and violence by minors.

However, there are few offers of assistance for children and young people in distress. In local communities and public institutions, there is a lack of both prevention strategies such as child-friendly mechanisms and materials, as well as the skills needed to effectively support children in need and their families by rehabilitation and reintegration programs.


Overall Objective (Impact): Strengthening local child protection mechanisms and children’s potential for self-protection in 12 communities in The Far North region of Cameroon.


Project Objective (Outcome): 7,500 children and youth in the project area who are victims of or exposed to violence and abuse of all kinds (schooling, exploitation, drugs, delinquency, abuses, etc.) benefit from an environment that protects and supports them and promotes their sustainable reintegration. State agents in the police, justice and prison services have enhanced knowledge and skills to establish a juvenile justice system that is consistent with children's rights and implements it in their day-to-day work.


Specific Objectives (Output):

  1. In the project area, children and youth who are exposed to violence and abuse of all kinds have access to support services that enable them to develop resilience skills.
  2. 3,000 children and youth have acquired the skills needed to become life-sustaining agents (e. g. junior ambassadors) and to promote children's rights and citizenship in young communities.
  3. 3,500 parents and community leaders have the skills and tools to support responsible parenting and the promotion of children's rights within families and communities.
  4. Knowledge and implementation of sustainable mechanisms and strategies to promote children's rights and to protect children and youth from violence, exploitation, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, etc. are reinforced among 3,330 local civil society members, agents in the educational community and local media in the project area.

Target groups

  • 7,500 children and adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 who have been or are exposed to violence and danger thereof (school dropout, alcohol or drug use, etc.)
  • 3,500 parents as well as families of the children
  • 3,330 Members of civil society organizations, people in the field of education and media representatives
  • 162 civil society groups (local children and youth groups, protection committees, etc.)
  • 25 schools and 10 professional training centers
  • 160 representatives of decentralized public administrations and services
  • Universities, professional training schools and non-governmental organizations

Main project activities

  • Revitalizing 72 structures that allow children and youth to express their sorrows, opinions, and ideas
  • Training of 93 councilors and community members, 120 people in the field of education, 210 local executives, local structures (child protection committees, focus groups, civil society organizations, etc.) and media representatives
  • Legal advice and support of 30 municipal structures
  • Creation and coaching of management committees and school boards
  • Equipment of 25 schools and 10 training centres with learning, teaching, playing and working equipment
  • Construction and maintanance of 6 playgrounds
  • Regional consultation meetings with 30 children and adolescents
  • Organizing a children's and youth camp as well as a forum for children and youth
  • Organizing a contest for the best non-violent school and the best non-violent community
  • Production and distribution of child-friendly textbooks
  • Production of an information film on delinquency and violence of minors and children
  • Publication of a small brochure of positive cultural practices, development of a code of conduct for parents and production of awareness materials
  • Production of quarterly radio programs and radio spots
  • Advocacy work in public services and at child protection agents
  • Establishing project documentation including good practices


Total project costs: € 543,400


Financial partners:

  • German Cooperation (BMZ)
  • ALDEPA and KiRA (Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.: donations)
  • And you? We are looking for donors and financial partners for this project! Each Euro donated will be multiplied by 10 by the German Cooperation (BMZ)!

Donate or contact us.

Picture above: A member of the team of ALDEPA speaks with children about dangers related to living or working in the streets and about protection mechanisms. © ALDEPA


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Kinderrechte Afrika e. V.



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